Searching for the Missing Baryons |
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Speaker: Taotao Fang (UC Irvine, USA) Time: Monday (Dec. 28th), 2:00PM Location: 3rd floor, middle conference room Abstract: Our current view of the cosmic structure formation and evolution is challenged by two "missing baryons" problems. One refers to the problem that the observed baryonic matter in the local universe accounts for less than 50% of the total baryons, and one refers to the problem that the observed baryons in galaxy are far less than what are expected from the standard galaxy formation theory. While occurring at very different scales, these two "missing baryons" problems may be closely related to each other, and the answers to these two questions will help unveil the critical role of various accretion and feedback processes in galaxy formation and evolution. Focusing on observation and numerical modeling, I will discuss recent progresses and the challenges and opportunities we are facing today. I will also discuss some future prospectives, including instrumental development.