The Accretion Process in Neutron-star Low-mass X-ray Binaries |
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Speaker: Dr. Dacheng Lin (CRSR, Toulouse, France) Time: 2:00PM, January 19th (Tuesday) Location: 3rd floor, middle conf. room Abstract: There are several long-standing problems regarding the spectral study of neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries (NS LMXBs): how to decompose their spectra, how different subclasses are related, and what cause the spectral evolution for each subclass. Using thousands of RXTE observations, we have obtained a new way to decompose spectra from neutron-star low-mass X-ray binaries (NS LMXBs), which lead to very different but physically more reasonable interpretations than classical models. With a legendary new NS transient, XTE J1701-462, we are finally able to reveal the direct relation between different subclasses of NS LMXBs and understand the physical cause of their spectral evolution.